POST api/SiteObjects/CreateSite?siteName={siteName}&templateName={templateName}&isEntireSitePublic={isEntireSitePublic}&requiresRegistration={requiresRegistration}&adminUserName={adminUserName}&adminEmail={adminEmail}&adminPassword={adminPassword}

Creates a single Site with its Admin user. Returns created Site object.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
Name of the Site to create. Every non-digit, and non-letter characters (except '-') are stripped. When Site already exists - 409 (conflict) status code is returned.

Define this parameter in the request URI.

Name of the template from available template list that the Site is going to use. When template does not exist - default template is assigned.

Define this parameter in the request URI.

Indicates whether entire content of the Site is available to everyone without registrations or user names.

Define this parameter in the request URI.

Indicates whether registration is required to access content of the Site. When isEntireSitePublic is true then new members are automatically approved. When not - Site Admin must approve them.

Define this parameter in the request URI.

Name of the Admin user that will administer the Site.

Define this parameter in the request URI.

Email address of the Admin user that will administer the Site.

Define this parameter in the request URI.

Password of the Admin user that will administer the Site. Optional. When not defined - password is randomly generated and sent via invitation email.

Define this parameter in the request URI.

Response Information

Response body formats

application/json, text/json

  "SiteName": "craftingcheetah",
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  "HeaderTitle": "Crafting Cheetah",
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  "HeaderShortInfo": "<p>Hi, Im the crafting cheetah! Take a look at pictures of my projects and view videos to learn more on how to make them.</p>",
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  "Branding": "<h2><img title=\"\" src=\"image.axd?imagepath=%2FPhotos%2Fcraftingcheetah%2FHeader%2F4F380F87_A251_4DE4_860F_470562E0E19F_zTHV.jpeg\" alt=\"\" /></h2>\n<h2><span style=\"font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino, serif;\">Face Painting Studio</span></h2>",
  "FooterText": "",
  "HomePageTextSide": "",
  "HomePagerTextMain": "<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><em><strong><span style=\"color: #ffffff;\">Hi, Im the crafting cheetah! Check out my art projects and videos to learn more on how to make &nbsp;awesome crafts!</span></strong></em></p>",
  "LoginPageText": "",
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  "SeoTitle": "Face painting in Las Vegas, NV and Henderson, NV",
  "SeoMetaTags": "<meta name=\"title\" content=\"Face painting in Las Vegas, NV and Henderson, NV\">\r\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"High-quality face painting at a low price in Las Vegas, NV and Henderson, NV. Children's parties, birthday parties.\">\r\n<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"face painting, Las Vegas, Henderson, Nevada, children's parties\">\r\n<meta name=\"copyright\" content=\"© 2017 Craftingcheetah\">\r\n<meta name=\"author\" content=\"isara\">\r\n<meta name=\"distribution\" content=\"Global\">\r\n<meta name=\"rating\" content=\"General\">\r\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"ALL,INDEX,FOLLOW\">\r\n<meta name=\"language\" content=\"en-US\">\r\n",
  "ECommerce_ContinueShoppingUrl": null,
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  "CreatedTime": "2017-05-18T20:37:59.247-07:00",
  "UpdatedTime": "2025-02-08T14:45:01.97",
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  "WebPushClientID": "0c7e737e-47e3-4808-8dc2-bae2c6f57ab1"

application/xml, text/xml

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&lt;h2&gt;&lt;span style="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino, serif;"&gt;Face Painting Studio&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/h2&gt;</Branding>
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&lt;meta name="author" content="isara"&gt;
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